i think it is really amazing when people have a dream and devote their lives to fulfilling it. it gives me such inspiration when i get to encounter people like this.
it got me to thinking about my dreams and ambitions when i was a kid and how my life has turned out. when i was young i wanted to be a trapeze artist. my parents were very encouraging so they enrolled me in gymnastics and my dad built me a giant swing that went off the balcony. i can't believe he did this, i could have flown off the side of the hill! i thought it was just the coolest thing until i kicked my foot through an empty fish aquarium that my brother left outside and required 4 stitches. that was the end of my trapeze career. i must say that my current career is a bit more stable than trapeze and for that, i am thankful.
what did you want to be when you were younger? did you have a dream like walking on a wire or swinging from a trapeze?
my favorite places to rent movies are movie madness at 4320 se belmont 503.234.4363 http://www.moviemadnessvideo/ or videorama http://www.video-rama.net/.
melody lists her influences as janis joplin and miles davis to name a few but i would compare her to madeleine peyroux and billie holiday.
when i first heard her, i rushed out to my favorite music store (music millenium 3158 se burnside 503.231.8926 http://www.musicmillenium.com/) and bought her latest album. i'm still a little old-fashioned and like to have a cd in my hands but if you would like to check her out first, starbucks is currently giving away icards with a sample of her latest cd.
(image from detender wordpress)